Thursday, May 23, 2013

We Serve in the Lord's Time

Hello All,

I guess the only really big news for this week is that my VISA should be here by Tuesday, May 27, 2013 and then I should be out of the MTC (Mission Training Center) soon after that.  I have enjoyed my time here and have had a lot of great experiences.  One thing that I have found out or noticed is that I thought I knew my scriptures pretty well but I was wrong.  Me and my companion, Elder Trepenier, are teaching a lady that has been a Baptist her whole life and she just took us to town on the Bible.  I must admit that I was pretty humbled after that.  But it gives me something to work on.

On Sunday we had a devotional by one of the Relief Society teachers and something she said really stuck out to me.  She said, "I'm not OCD I'm CDO I just like my letters in order." As a Missionary the devotionals are uplifting and stuff like that but this one was a stand up one.  I don't think I have every laughed that much here in a long time.  But the devotionals on Tuesdays are really cool.  It is always an Apostle or someone from the Quorum of the Seventy.  Last Tuesday, May 21, 2013 was Elder M. Russel Nelson and he gave a great talk.  He said the easiest way to describe what the Church believes or does is to say, "We follow Christ."  That was pretty impressive because most people don't have a clear understanding of what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints believe or follow.  We follow Christ we rejoice in Christ we Believe in Christ.  Hopefully people will recognize that we are not so different.  But the other thing that really stuck out was that our ancestors want to help us with this great work and that we should be asking Heavenly Father to send the ones who have attributes that we struggle with.  Now I only say this because it was not only said by him but by another Apostle of the Lord at our weekly devotional the week before.  As it says in the scriptures "out of the mouth of two or three witnesses I will declare my word."  I have always wondered why the Church has us go in companionship's and it is because of that scripture.

One thing that I have learned as I have spent extra time here at the MTC is that the Lord works in mysterious ways.  There is a reason my VISA has not come in, do I need to learn something, do I need to say something, help someone, hear what one teacher needs to say, or to read something.  All I know is that there is a time and a season for all things. The season is right to be serving a Mission but maybe the time isn't in England yet. 

I can testify that the Lord is preparing people for me to teach in England, that my purpose as a Missionary is to bring others to Christ by calling them to repent.  Just like the Prophets of old my job is to call people to repent and to rescue them and let them be nourished by the good Word of God.  I know for myself that Christ lives, he is my Savior, that his Atonement is not just for me or you but to all that will believe on his name.  I know that the Book of Mormon is the most correct book on all this earth and that it is true. This brings to mind a verse from the Hymn Come thou Fount "He to rescue me from danger interposed his precious blood".  Christ's Atonement was the most supreme act of love and I am grateful for that.

Make it a great week!

Elder Nielsen

Elder Trepenier, my current companion from CA.

My district before they flew out, Provo, Utah.

Our room we call the Garden of Eden.  Elder Trepenier and I are the 
only Elders that use this room to teach.

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